Application: Document shredding operation generated large amounts of paper dust and trim from use of shredders, conveyors, bailers and sorting positions.
Dust Type: Paper, combustible
Location: Colorado
Dust Collection Equipment Solution Selection: (1) Donaldson/Torit Power Core Model CPC -8 and TBI-15 Hp blower, explosion relief vents, Donaldson Anti-Static Power Core Filters
Inlet Isolation valve
Nordfab clamping source capture duct system and custom hoods.

Airflow/Static Pressure: 3500 CFM @ 12” s.p.
Application Solution: Source capture duct system connected to shredder, bailers, and sorting tables contained dust at the point of generation.
Self-cleaning Power Core Dust Collector cleans filters in place thereby allowing the system to operate over long production runs.
Dust collection system provided source and ambient dust reduction from machine tools which also reduced plant housekeeping time and costs.